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A change in perspective

Last night, I had a very personal conversation with a very dear friend. As always, her words were a source of comfort, encouragement, and strength. She made me realize that I need to make the most of my time, here and now, while I'm still alive. There are so many aspects of my life, so many secrets that I don't share, and I realized now that I have no reason not to. What good does it do anyone if the things that people love about me are gone as soon as I am? I'm not talking of the major things, I'm speaking of the little things...some of the art techniques that I've developed, how to make the perfect cup of coffee, and yes, even my recipes. My "infamous" lasagna, Stacy's dream soup, all the things that up until this point have been "things I will take to my grave"...I see no point in doing that any longer. I say all this to to say this; on this blog, I will start sharing. Little things of no consequence, recipes and memories. So I hope you read and enjoy. :)

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