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Mad Rain

In your light I learn to love.
In your beauty, how to make poems.
You dance inside my chest, where no one sees you.
But sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.

There is no mathematics to love...

They say we only use 10% of our brain. Everyone knows that. But how much of our heart do we use? With what percentage do we love? What amount do we feel? are we capable of more than 10%?? i am beginning to doubt...

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  • Blogger Unknown says so:
    2:06 AM  

    Actually we only use about 10% of our brain at any given time. We make use of almost the entire thing but never at once. That being said I think I love you with 100% of my heart. 2.5<3 top

  • Anonymous UR StLkARR says so:
    4:38 PM  

    Not true! we use 100% of our brain all the time. A vast majority of our brain goes into living, breathing, thinking about where to send information etc. Another vast part goes into senses, including what we perceive as non verbal communication. If they were to remove the 90% of your brain that we suspect isn't being used, well, you'd be either dead or a vegetable....oh and heart is usually 100% unless its clogged or something, but I know what you mean, not heart the actual thing but the symbol of love idea. top