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Mad Rain

In your light I learn to love.
In your beauty, how to make poems.
You dance inside my chest, where no one sees you.
But sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.

Finding Religion and Starbucks

Ok, Saturday I had yet another field trip with my worl religions class. We thought we were going to a Buddhist Temple, but we ended up going to a Sikh Temple. So we all pile into a school van at 9 in the morning and head out. Everyone was pretty tired, so we stopped at a Starbuck's(myself and two others happen to know where any Starbucks within a given radius can be found) and it was packed. So we all had to stand in a line and laugh about stupid things(I happened to be wearing my COFFEE:Still Legal In Utah shirt so they thought that was great...all kinds of stupid things)so this is what happens:

Starbucks guy: Hi, what's your name?
Me: Madrina.
Me: It's Madrina.
SG: Well, thats different.
SG:So, whaddaya want?
Me: 1 Venti Caramel Macchiato and 1 Venti Vanilla Latte.
SG:Sure ya can handle all that?
Me:Yes(thinking"what does he care as long as i pay?")
SG: anything to munch on?
Me: No thanks.
SG:Ok, Madison. that'll be...

I don't remember the price but after all that stupidity over my name, he gets it wrong!!!!! and then when the lady called out my name, she said Madison too!!! And the cup said MADRINA!!! So everyone that was there Saturday won't stop calling me Madison, so people around them call me that....I think my name has been changed! But anyways, we got to the Sikh Temple and it was a really nice place...very peaceful. We all sat down on a couch and chairs and listened to Soul Singh Khasa explain the basics of Sikhism...they are vegetarians(they even have a vegetarian catering service), they don't shave because they believe you should live as God made you, and they wear turbans to identify themselves. Most of the people who attend the temple live in the neighborhood around it and owned by it. They were actually building their new temple and from what I saw, this place will be awesome just to look at. There was also this room where they do prayer,meditation, and yoga every morning at 3:45 so that was really peaceful. Overall, it was a great trip and we didn't get lost. So I got back and went to work and I've been called Madison since then.

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